You are the center of our attention.
Getting you ready to lead!
… is happening now.
With young people changing the world.
They give voice to others.
They overcome adversity.
They represent us and our country.
Would you like to?
- Studying in a modern university?
- Being a leader?
- Identify opportunities and capitalize on resources profitably?
- Getting involved in Agribusiness?
- Working in tourism and hospitality/ HORECA?
Rural spatial management is the study of the planning, organization, coordination and control of rural areas, all the actors involved, agro-industry and related fields.
It combines management knowledge with its application in rural areas.
The courses are designed so that concepts taught in the classroom or online are applied in real life through rural instruction, case studies and direct interaction. Interdisciplinary training is an important asset for our new graduates.
Did you know that when you complete your master’s degree you will get the Tourism Activity Manager’s Certificate?
It’s essential for working in tourism!
Where can you get a job?
In the following fields:
– management and entrepreneurship
– tourism/agrotourism/HORECA
– consultancy
– banking/finance
– marketing
– insurance
– trade
– scientific research/education
We emphasize your professional training!
The study programs prepare you for the priority areas of society’s development, the teaching methods are modern and constantly being improved, the material base is modern and adapted to the teaching methods, and the study and mobility grants (Erasmus+) motivate you and offer you new opportunities.
We actively encourage students to start their own business or acquire entrepreneurial skills.
You will enjoy a wide range of initiatives like theStudent Entrepreneurial Society .
We adapt curricula to the changing business environment, promote best practice examples and support sustainable development of local communities
Study programs
I. License
– Agricultural business engineering and management*
– Engineering and management in catering and agritourism*
II. Master
– Agribusiness
– Management in
agri-tourism and public
– Management and audit
– Management and development
– Quality management
and innovation in the
agri-food sector
– Hospitality management
– Management of rural
hospitality industry
– PhD in Engineering, Management, Agriculture and Rural Development
* also available in ID/ IFR